So we've arrived @ 18years
I can recall Ate-teen beautiful moments
18 arguments
18 shots
18 laughs
18 huge smiles
18 disappointments
18 heartaches
I've even witnessed you shred Ate-teen hurtful tears
18 complaints
18 walks
18 trips
18 restaurants
18 boutiques
18 projects
Just about Ate-teen different places we both lived
How did you enter my life and become My Ace in a deck of Ate-teen different friends
18 stories
18 fights
18 movies
18 clubs
18 dresses
18 pairs of shoes
I've even watched you cook Ate-teen cornish hens
In seperate rooms we've even commited over Ate-teen of the same sins
The number 18 rings in my tiny little ears
I smile just thinking about how we will be in our Old Lady years
I can tell you this, I didn't mishandle God's glory when it came to you Kid
You call me your Bestest and I will keep that title and finish out this friendship bid
You're my Lil Sis and even if I get a little crazy over something simple you did
I will never stop protecting you because its apart of my purpose to live
Happy Bday Puttie