Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm bright eyed today
Enjoying and basking in the breeze of fall
Still doesn't feel like the cold will stick But I will definitely take a pair of jeans and a sleeved shirt this day
I have a date 2night
I was invited to a movie with the bestest
My Ace herself Miss Clark
I've been feeling joy all week
Time to spread the new l♥ve into the seats of the 125th street theater
Overzealous I maybe but really who cares
When joy is the root of my-self findings
Headed to Washington Heights for the 1st time in my life(to my knowledge)
To hear the news of my surgery date
This illness has not even remotely received the best of me
I'm dealing with it like a regular winter cold
Once the docs send a tube inside of me they will see God has cured me before they could
God's love inside is a silent and fast healer
I heard pain is a night stalker
It explains the pains I feel when I arise
But a few yarns and tosses get me back to my normalcy state
I pray you all are feasting on yet another beautiful day
I feel your smiles inside my ♥ as I type away
I'm thankful for you all
No matter what we have been through or will go through you'll still be one of the girls that ignited my life
Thank you girlie

Boyfriend without power since Sunday,
in Columbus Ohio. I've been praying for him and his family. Join me in prayer...

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